Non-Sequitur #52: In Birmingham We love The Governor

Moebius AKA Jean Giruad 1938-2012


My supervisor’s daughter had a birthday a couple of weeks ago, so she made taco salad for us. Yum!


So like 75-80% of my day job involves sitting in a cubicle and making phone calls. So occasionally when my boss asks me to help move something or whatever I jump at the chance. I don’t mind helping and it breaks the monotony on those slow days. This particular day she asked me to set up a room for a focus group meeting whenever I got the chance. Of course I told her I’d be happy to do it. Imagine my surprise when I started moving chairs around in Room 1 and saw in the middle of the room…DOG POO! The president of the company frequently brings his dog to work and this was one of those days. Normally the dog is well behaved, but this time she left a special treat for us. I told my boss and she got a plastic bag to pick up the poo with and then found a wet vac somewhere. While taking care of the situation, my boss said something like, “Geez, I don’t like cleaning up after my own dogs, that’s why I have a husband!” Kinda made me laugh. But yeah…I work a semi-grey collar job. I just don’t  normally expect to be dealing with DOG POO.

I work in an office! Where'd this dog poo come from?!


Yeah, it got to like 60 degrees outside one day this week. On one hand I’m happy for the nice weather, but on the other hand this is not typical for this time of year in Chicago. We’ve had an usually mild winter this year. I foresee dread…


I read in a local paper that they are planning a broadway musical based on the movie Animal House. Yes, the raunchy gross out humor movie is being made into a musical to debut on The White Way.  I didn’t realize it, but I guess I woke up in the Bizzaro Entertainment Universe, where everything is the opposite of what you’d expect it to be. Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll check out that family sit-com based on The Sex Pistols   The Great Rock n Roll Swindle and after that I’ll tune into that children’s cartoon inspired by The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 


Ok, so I’m on the way home from running errands and I’m on the train. There’s a  dude talking to a woman and he’s talking loud enough that most of the car can hear him. Basically he’s going on and on about how he’s gay, but he’s tired of other gay people and wish he had more straight friends. The gay people he meets are just about sex and that’s all they talk about and it’s tiresome because there’s more to life than that. Ok, fine. Then he says he wishes there was someplace else to meet people besides the internet and bathhouses…BINGO! Dude, if the only place you try to meet people are bathhouses and the internet, of course a good deal of them are going to be either flakey or preoccupied with sex.  I’m not judging, I’m just saying…


Mitt Romney likes cheesy grits! Yeah, I’ll just bet he does…